Of course, I can't actually welcome you to my actual studio in person as it currently resides in a corner of a basement as you can see above, but I wanted to welcome you none the less.
Thank you for taking the time to stop to not only look at my art but also read this.
I'm still figuring out the best ways to share my art and even sell it as I only just graduated less than a year ago. The internet provides so many opportunities that didn't used to exist for both of those goals but it can be hard to know what is right for the kind of artist you want to be.
I hope you'll join me on this journey.
I intend to use this blog mostly to share updates on those experiments; rather it be a gallery show coming up, an update about the etsy shop (more on that soon) I'm working on reviving, a local craft fair, or something else.
For now, I wanted to share just a few things about me beyond the art I've already posted:
1. I love coffee and need it to function. period.
2. I was also a creative writing minor in college.
3. I own a beautiful, sassy mare named Duchess (right). Her show name is Royal Diva and oh boy does she live up to it.
4. I've been riding horses since I was about 9. That's over half my life at this point so expect more horse-y updates ;)
5. I also love reading and recently devoured Sarah J. Maas' newest book, House of Earth and Blood, from her new Crescent City series. 800 pages read in about 3 days. If you like fantasy, I highly recommend any of her books.
I think that's enough cute facts for the time being....
For now, Thanks again for reading and stay safe out there!